ord of the Rings art is an accomplishment for any fantasy artist. As a fantasy illustrator, this is one of the most desirable topics to paint. The Mouth of Sauron is a larger piece for a card, roughly 20″ x 30″ oil on masonite. Alan uses masonite to get a smooth surface. There’s a lot of details that went into the red Mordor gates not visible in the card. “It was nice that I could interpret this how I imagined it from the story and not other artists and not influenced by the movies since I illustrated this before the movies.”
Exiting the gates of Mordor, The Mouth of Sauron. A lot of detail went into the gates. I'll add more images soon. This piece was done very large for card art, it's about 20" x 30" Oil on masonite. For The Lord of the Rings Middle Earth, The Lidless Eye.
All Works © Tolkien Enterprises.